Comments for chapter "Chapter 268"
I need some fanfic or whatever for alternative route.
I choose pikachu
I mean tbh, it would make sense if it were both. If he were to marry Ajest, then he would eventually become king. For nobles and even more so for kings there are expectations for them to have a few consorts. Gotta make sure their familial line doesn’t die out.
theses fucker! I need my answer this is just wronged!. this shouldn;t be fucking possible! L manwa L
just take both, why decide ? they are both awesome
I did not just power read through 268 chapters to get left on this type of cliffhanger. What a cruel reality.
Still, the series was fun! Though it got a bit complicated at the end there and actually had me using my one braincell, it was a thoroughly written story!
I think this is the end so see you guys in another manga
For the doodoo cliffhanger, they should’ve put the two in a mudbath to fight for him.
Also guys this is the last chapter, there will be an afterword though
Last song of the chapter: Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Desir : I can have to wife.. so no need to chooooose.. 😀