Emperor of Steel - Chapter 22
Comments for chapter "Chapter 22"

They were blinded… down for the count, why didn’t MC capitalize on that and kill them instead of running???

At the risk of sounding a bit dickish, I don’t understand that princess. I get that she really cares about the people (I mean she only says so every other sentence) and she insists on sticking with them out of some sense of loyalty or responsibility but…..let’s be brutally realistic for a second here…..what good is she? Maybe she’s doing something in the background that isn’t shown, but so far in the story she hasn’t actually been shown or said to be actually *doing* anything for the people. She’s effectively a broke refugee just like them, just with fancier clothes at the moment, so realistically she *can’t* do anything for them. She has no wealth or power or political influence. Even her title as princess is effectively an empty one. She talks a good game, but she’s not actually doing jack. And while I hate to side with the bad guy, he has a point with his last sentence: her very presence is making things worse for the refugees at this point. I don’t support the bad guy, and I don’t think she should just offer herself up, don’t get me wrong. But she could at least, idk, leave? Run away? Go somewhere, anywhere, else? He’s after her, and shown he’s willing to hurt those close to her to get to her. So if she truly cared about the people, she’d leave. That way she’s not offering herself up, but at least she’s not deliberately putting all the people she claims to care about in the line of fire either. That’s like knowing murderers are after you and leading them straight to your family’s house.
you should learn from all this right fukin princess