The Executioner (Lee Jehwan) - Chapter 23
Comments for chapter "Chapter 23"

Blud a bit dry

What’s the point in trying to correct people who are on death row. Rosa’s ideals are dumb

The Character Designs in this Manhwa never fails to impress me, the Art is just amazing , also, the story is expanding and getting better, I hope it continues like that.
this is so good

this is getting good wish he had killed atleast 1 the planet levelled enemies
I wonder how this will play out I hope he the old man trains him, and they work together

If the new characters that are shown earlier became gangyu’s allies and powered him up, no one would be able to beat his ass even if there were 3 of those demon child 😭

this raosa sounds like a real stupid fucking idealist. Ethics don’t count for shit in a world of superpowered serial murderers. Being a ‘hero’ doesn’t mean having moral superiority, but about preventing the unjust deaths of innocents.
If he becomes Chairman everybody dying…
Including him

Noooo!!! I want more!!! And I agree with him!
so you have a group declaring nuclear war and your main focus is to fill a chairmans seat for political purposes…. maybe the crazy chick is right