Juujika no Rokunin - Chapter 194
Comments for chapter "Chapter 194"
Bruhhhh at this rate we’re headed for another arc and this fucker is gonna kill more innocents
Everything after Chapter 53 has just been downhill, not gonna lie.

Are you serious right now, this is just written so horribly at this point. Shun is stronger than any character at this point and has a fucking shotgun. Author just has to nerf him and it isn’t even in a believable way.
No really, let’s get to the fu.cking point already. Ki.ll the le.sbian and the main guy already. Instead this is going to drag on as long as absolutely fu.cking possible with bull.shit. Oh well, I’m guessing the sixth girl Uruma knows from the island will save the day somehow?
Oh geez, this is gonna drag for another 20 chapters at the very least, huh? And the cops really are useless.

ugh what has this even become.

What is this nonsense? He was this close to killing him and now he’s being tortured? I’d drop this shize if I wasn’t curious how it’s gonna end

Nice it’s js torture now shit fell off so badly bro
So this Hanaoka.. is this the same who went away on the boat?