Magic Emperor - Chapter 647
Comments for chapter "Chapter 647"

Well now ima wait till 100 chaps come out now

I hate manga info!!!!!!

Wtf is going on? Its not like she is a weakling. Not expecting her to resist but maybe dodge? Not just sit there and wait for attacks or Zhou to carry her. Also why is he only defending? And you got more than that arm in your arsenal. again, wtf is this?

look at the last page she has more confident in zhou fan than than zhou fan himself


bro better hope for his own sake no harm comes to her 😭
Don’t be mad at the artist or manhua over how these chapters are handled. This is exactly how the Light Novel is setup.
We can say they should just condense these chapters through editorial privilege but they are being faithful.
No there is no great reward for baring with this, the LN doesn’t reward you enough for sticking through this and from the moment he enters the sect the story becomes impenetrable and it wont get better for another 200 or so chapters where it all comes to an abrupt end as someone told the writer to stop wasting the readers time I guess.
For me even then the damage was done and I dropped the LN, but I hoped the manhua wouldn’t go this direction =/.
imagine she dies and MC goes berserk like last time
Isn’t MC’s soul at a higher stage than his cultivation and also considering divine flame, void eye and 10 divine dragons, so why is bro smiling? you did not even see half his strength
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id hate to be that guy but stop dragging it out
Milking it

she just came up few chapters ago. Here we go again
what is this madness, I am catching up so fast. Short chapters, nah, these micro chapters. 😭