Nano Machine - Chapter 200
Comments for chapter "Chapter 200"

Inventory report;
15 right arms
8 left arms
3 right legs
3 left legs
9 heads

ahhh i see why mc volunteered to do yin yang balancing out thingy with ice lady. she baddy.🦴🕳️

The art in the end is better than the normal art of some Manhwa/manual lol

The Art in the end is incredible
I ship the Ice Girl. With me
Congrats on the 200th

Chater 200 and did they end on such a cliffhanger?
I mean, I shouldn’t be complaining, but I want MC to go all out. He hasn’t done that in a while.

Join him, bro… that’s the only way you would survive
Congrats on chapter 200!

that Ice girl in the last panel? No wonder even MC couldnt resist it 😂
Noooooice! fkng trаsh is getting humbled, amazing
200 chapter LEEEEET’S GOOOOO
MC comes…
“Yay our team”
When the blade started to point at them…
“Wait, no teamkill! We’re friends, No?”
So funny seeing them so happy and hopeful.