One Piece - Chapter 1122
Comments for chapter "Chapter 1122"

So maybe emeth wasn’t a robot all along, but a giant just in Hibernation?
That’s insane. Insanely COOL!

Joy boy so far is the strongest in the verse

I wish it would survive the robot. I mean, I love it so much.
Koby thinks he’s gonna stop luffy, last time they met luffy couldn’t use haki an was on the ground in half a second. No amount of training from Garp is gonna put him on par with luffys willpower, luffy will straight beat him to a pulp an have chopper heal him so he’s ready for round 2 lol

that haki disabled their transformation. even conquerors haki cant do that

Joyboy’s condensed hot fart just obliterated everyone lmao crazy old man
Now I’m not surprised that joyboy was feared by all. Only his haki is that strong. Guess, in his prime he was able to face the whole Marine and Government
Will the legend of the “Iron Giant” spread to all the giants now?

One piece lore going crazy.
Joyboy the real king of the pirates.
JoyBoy surely was a chad
I hate luffy when he dies