Sun ken Rock Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Boichi. A year after, Ken found that Yumin had actually became an officer in Korea. Yearning to view the girl he loved, Ken dropped out of high school become an officer just like Yumin and so that you can go to Korea. Though Ken was able to go to Korea, he found himself unable to become an officer and instead became a poor Shut in with occupation or no cash. From being mistreated with a bunch gang members after helping an old man, he was scouted by the head of a nearby gang headed by Tae-Soo Park who made him the manager that was new
The storyline revolves around Ken (the chief protagonist), a guy from an upper class family that was orphaned young because of his family’s engagement with all the Yakuza; he became a highschool delinquent known for fighting. The thing that moves actions to be taken by him is through his amorous fondness Yumi, to get a classmate. At the first, the gang did not even have a foundation and solely consisted of few members. As the narrative advances The Sun ken Rock gang becomes larger as new members were recruited by them and take over other gangs’ territories and investments. The Sun ken Rock Group gets an MMORPG firm, a substantial casino, among the greatest television media firms in Korea, in addition to garnering political favors (making them the strongest gang in Korea). Yet, throughout this, Ken has done his best to evade disclosing himself as a gang leader to Yumin as she despises gangs. In between the rise of Ken, Yumin and he got closer and Yumin began to have feelings for Ken. Nevertheless, matters were constantly complicated from the interference of either Ken’s gang actions and the Yakuza links of Yumin. The collection, despite being quite adult-oriented, espouses many shonen-esque worth, including the need for camaraderie as well as the notion of being a “true man”.
Main characters in Sun ken rock manga
Ken Kitano :
high school delinquent as well as the main protagonist who leaves Japan in pursuit of his love, Yumin and drops out of school. While in Korea he lives his life as a shut in for a whole year being not able to locate a real occupation. After saving an old man from being killed by loan sharks, he was scouted and encouraged to join an area gang(gondal) to work under Taesoo as among his underlings. After fighting against Taesoo, he was offered the job of manager rather. He declined since he desired to join the police force alongside Yumin but Taesoo finally controls him into taking the position. His strength and awareness of justice earns him the devotion of the local community as well as his gang. Ken’s parents were killed over the course of a Yakuza war when he was 13. The character design of Ken is greatly impacted from Vash of Trigun Manga.
Yumi “Yumin” Yoshizawa :
Ken’s love interest, a daughter that left Japan to become a policeman in the section in charge of organized crime. Her true name is Yumi and she’s really Japanese. She hates gangsters, after it’s found that she’s the daughter of a Japanese Yakuza Boss that killed the parents of Ken. When she was young, her hate of gangs is because of her mom and sister being killed by other Yakuza. As the daughter of a Yakuza leader, she is an extremely competent fighter and has mastered some martial arts. She also has feelings for Ken while not understanding he’s an underworld leader. She’s shocked when she discovers that Ken is the leader from Banphuong. Feeling betrayed in the beginning, she faces Ken to forgive him after an apology afterwards, after which she cheers him with Ban-Phuong about the duel. The two decide to assault her dad’s headquarters, but determine to take off time in a favorite holiday hotspot and ultimately make love in a church in a thunderstorm
- Chapter 171 01.12.2021
- Chapter 170 01.12.2021
- Chapter 169 01.12.2021
- Chapter 168 01.12.2021
- Chapter 167 01.12.2021
- Chapter 166 01.12.2021
- Chapter 165 01.12.2021
- Chapter 164 01.12.2021
- Chapter 163 01.12.2021
- Chapter 162 01.12.2021
- Chapter 161 01.12.2021
- Chapter 160 01.12.2021
- Chapter 159 01.12.2021
- Chapter 158 01.12.2021
- Chapter 157 01.12.2021
- Chapter 156 01.12.2021
- Chapter 155 01.12.2021
- Chapter 154 01.12.2021
- Chapter 153 01.12.2021
- Chapter 152 01.12.2021
- Chapter 151 01.12.2021
- Chapter 150 01.12.2021
- Chapter 149 01.12.2021
- Chapter 148 01.12.2021
- Chapter 147 01.12.2021
- Chapter 146 01.12.2021
- Chapter 145 01.12.2021
- Chapter 144 01.12.2021
- Chapter 143 01.12.2021
- Chapter 142 01.12.2021
- Chapter 141 01.12.2021
- Chapter 140 01.12.2021
- Chapter 139 01.12.2021
- Chapter 138 01.12.2021
- Chapter 137 01.12.2021
- Chapter 136 01.12.2021
- Chapter 135 01.12.2021
- Chapter 134 01.12.2021
- Chapter 133 01.12.2021
- Chapter 132 01.12.2021
- Chapter 131 01.12.2021
- Chapter 130 01.12.2021
- Chapter 129 01.12.2021
- Chapter 128 01.12.2021
- Chapter 127 01.12.2021
- Chapter 126 01.12.2021
- Chapter 125 01.12.2021
- Chapter 124 01.12.2021
- Chapter 123 01.12.2021
- Chapter 122 01.12.2021
- Chapter 121 01.12.2021
- Chapter 120 01.12.2021
- Chapter 119 01.12.2021
- Chapter 118 01.12.2021
- Chapter 117 01.12.2021
- Chapter 116 01.12.2021
- Chapter 115 01.12.2021
- Chapter 114 01.12.2021
- Chapter 113 01.12.2021
- Chapter 112 01.12.2021
- Chapter 111 01.12.2021
- Chapter 110 01.12.2021
- Chapter 109 01.12.2021
- Chapter 108 01.12.2021
- Chapter 107 01.12.2021
- Chapter 106 01.12.2021
- Chapter 105 01.12.2021
- Chapter 104 01.12.2021
- Chapter 103 01.12.2021
- Chapter 102 01.12.2021
- Chapter 101 01.12.2021
- Chapter 100 01.12.2021
- Chapter 99 01.12.2021
- Chapter 98 01.12.2021
- Chapter 97 01.12.2021
- Chapter 96 01.12.2021
- Chapter 95 01.12.2021
- Chapter 94 01.12.2021
- Chapter 93 01.12.2021
- Chapter 92 01.12.2021
- Chapter 91 01.12.2021
- Chapter 90 01.12.2021
- Chapter 89 01.12.2021
- Chapter 88 01.12.2021
- Chapter 87 01.12.2021
- Chapter 86 01.12.2021
- Chapter 85.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 85 01.12.2021
- Chapter 84 01.12.2021
- Chapter 83 01.12.2021
- Chapter 82 01.12.2021
- Chapter 81 01.12.2021
- Chapter 80 01.12.2021
- Chapter 79 01.12.2021
- Chapter 78 01.12.2021
- Chapter 77.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 77.3 01.12.2021
- Chapter 77.2 01.12.2021
- Chapter 77.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 77 01.12.2021
- Chapter 76 01.12.2021
- Chapter 75 01.12.2021
- Chapter 74 01.12.2021
- Chapter 73 01.12.2021
- Chapter 72 01.12.2021
- Chapter 71.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 71.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 71 01.12.2021
- Chapter 70 01.12.2021
- Chapter 69 01.12.2021
- Chapter 68 01.12.2021
- Chapter 67 01.12.2021
- Chapter 66 01.12.2021
- Chapter 65 01.12.2021
- Chapter 64 01.12.2021
- Chapter 63 01.12.2021
- Chapter 62.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 62.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 62 01.12.2021
- Chapter 61 01.12.2021
- Chapter 60 01.12.2021
- Chapter 59 01.12.2021
- Chapter 58.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 58.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 58 01.12.2021
- Chapter 57 01.12.2021
- Chapter 56 01.12.2021
- Chapter 55 01.12.2021
- Chapter 54 01.12.2021
- Chapter 53 01.12.2021
- Chapter 52 01.12.2021
- Chapter 51 01.12.2021
- Chapter 50 01.12.2021
- Chapter 49.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 49 01.12.2021
- Chapter 48 01.12.2021
- Chapter 47 01.12.2021
- Chapter 46 01.12.2021
- Chapter 45 01.12.2021
- Chapter 44 01.12.2021
- Chapter 43 01.12.2021
- Chapter 42.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 42.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 42 01.12.2021
- Chapter 41 01.12.2021
- Chapter 40 01.12.2021
- Chapter 39 01.12.2021
- Chapter 38.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 38 01.12.2021
- Chapter 37 01.12.2021
- Chapter 36 01.12.2021
- Chapter 35 01.12.2021
- Chapter 34 01.12.2021
- Chapter 33 01.12.2021
- Chapter 32 01.12.2021
- Chapter 31.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 31.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 31 01.12.2021
- Chapter 30 01.12.2021
- Chapter 29 01.12.2021
- Chapter 28 01.12.2021
- Chapter 27 01.12.2021
- Chapter 26 01.12.2021
- Chapter 25 01.12.2021
- Chapter 24 01.12.2021
- Chapter 23 01.12.2021
- Chapter 22 01.12.2021
- Chapter 21 01.12.2021
- Chapter 20 01.12.2021
- Chapter 19 01.12.2021
- Chapter 18 01.12.2021
- Chapter 17 01.12.2021
- Chapter 16 01.12.2021
- Chapter 15 01.12.2021
- Chapter 14 01.12.2021
- Chapter 13 01.12.2021
- Chapter 12.5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 12.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 12 01.12.2021
- Chapter 11 01.12.2021
- Chapter 10 01.12.2021
- Chapter 9 01.12.2021
- Chapter 8 01.12.2021
- Chapter 7 01.12.2021
- Chapter 6.1 01.12.2021
- Chapter 6 01.12.2021
- Chapter 5 01.12.2021
- Chapter 4 01.12.2021
- Chapter 3 01.12.2021
- Chapter 2 01.12.2021
- Chapter 1 01.12.2021
Loved it!
scamboii reviews said this was good
its good, I dont like how it ends but oh well
good shit
this is one of the most wonderful manga I’ve ever been graced to see
i felt invested the entire time and the main character carries such passion that permeates throughout the entire story
i cannot put into words just how much this journey has made me feel or how much i love each and every character.
i fully recommend that you read this manga from start to finish and see and follow out boss ken
i know that’s a lotta fuckin words but this manga is so good *chef kiss*, highly recommend for people who likes fighting mangas, yakuzas and gangs
The ending kinda sucs tho :tears: :vegeta:
Well thats some description
Nice, they added this finally, great series.
also shit ton of good violence. you will see gangs murdering each other
this is top fucking good read for 12 chap if you don’t like it drop it
yo they finaly got it. they saw how good it was and added it
yo this was not here five days ago
Good story my only complaint is how the women are treated in this.