TOWER OF GOD - Chapter 648
Comments for chapter "Chapter 648"
Well, that’s that. Lost all interest. The second it became a possession takeover it became absolutely ridiculous. At least Urek still shows he’s on top of the food chain even still.
Jahad did a terrible mistake… fine
what’s the point if everyone is walking in the same path.
The goal is to dethrone Jahad and bring new way of living to the tower ?
Now imagine Wangnan is from the Red light district…Red Trash where Zahard sealed himself…so possibly Wangnan is also a vessel, or an experimental child of Zahard.
V and Arlenne are both selfish and horrible sons of b”tches. I knew Arlenne was was a crazy b*tch, but I didn’t expect V as well.
I guess V isn’t Bamm’s father (what father would do that).
the dead of traumerei?
Baam is vessel
But i wana hear the full story on how V feels about Baam or why Gustang gonna hit V too
V is such a boss but why gustang defended traumrei lol he should let that dragon devour him… so in the end urek was used to save traum instead of baam lol SUI is impredictible, so baam is already powerfull enough to fight a FH if it wasnt for his lack of experience and will, since V is using baam power to trash traumreu
i bet Baam is furious at V (in case he somehow sees or feels this mess). our guy essentially built a whole community with the idea that revenge is meaningless, and here comes some dude telling everyone about revenge