Akame Ga Kill! - Chapter 78
Comments for chapter "Chapter 78"

Came here because of the anime ending and now my depression is cured
who came here just to read the other ending cause the anime is to cruel

Better ending than anime but i hoped they would turn tatsumi back normal atleast to human size
And with that, akame ga kill comes to a STYLISH ending

Now this is a satisfying ending. Unlike the anime. ( Which is good to but…)
the prequel is Akame ga kill Zero and the sequel is Hinowa ga Crush in case anyone is wondering.

I’m not criyng there was a damned onion cutting Esdeath
Well damn at least Akame, Kurome, Wave, Mine and Najenda had pretty happy endings for the most part. Always thought that Wave and Kurome were the best ship in this series its good to see they are both ok for the most part. It’s Good to see Tatsumi survives in the Manga unlike the Anime. It sucks he seems to be stuck as a dragon though.
Najenda’s right, that is an ending I can get behind.
Hmm. Tatsumi’s been stabbed by Masamune. His Teigu adapts to anything it’s been attacked by before. Which means he can’t be killed by any Teigu now, right? As shown in many fights, nonlethal attacks just make it even stronger.
Plus, it was also said that it permanently grows bigger and more powerful over time. A few chapters ago, we saw the full-sized version, and it was friggin’ huge. But that was only a few hundred years worth of growing.
Which means, in a couple thousand years, Tatsumi could probably mush the entire capital city under his front claw. Also, everyone he knows and loves will die from old age except him… I guess nobody yet realizes they have created a really nasty problem?
Good ending

He…he turned back to normal, right? I mean…. They slept together so…. Oh god, poor mine….
Now this is the kind of ending we all can actually get behind omg (and yes I did just read the entire thing in 1 day lol)
Still don’t understand why the manga doesn’t end with the MC on the last panel.