Dungeon Defense - Chapter 31
Comments for chapter "Chapter 31"

mc enjoys legs.. nice..

look bro you may be a demon lord but have some class an look respectfully. Now where’s my binoculars.

bro disappeared and came back to drop a chapter like nothing happened

This is obviously all part of his plan. Notice how their breakup was everywhere the second they did. It’s not a conindence he chose to breakup in the town square. This is just a poly to get the demon lord on his side.
It’s finally back. 🗿👌 But… What is this? What just happened? 😳🤨
![[Constellation of Absolute Goddess]](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/sample_df1ba3c32b3988e2e6568a1f2d3fdcff-133x150.jpg)
…I have mixed feelings… on one hand he is kinda right – she did come to find her lost daughter NOW that she become really important to mooch of her success, but on the other hand… family is family after all – you can’t choose how or from whom to be born from…
…And I thought it was some kind of a ploy between them or something, but she really did left him
I remember bits and pieces from the novel but like nothing is ringing a bell for most of this
![[Constellation of The Flowing Time]](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Screenshot-2024-03-30-212925.png)

Are we missing a chapter or are they going to say in the next one it’s all a scam to get support from the demon loli to deal with the sudden invasion?
Huh did i miss something or has the plot run off forgetting to tell everyone what’s actually happening.
Like Father like Son hm. I,m really out .
Dont like it , dont read it.
See ya