I Used to Be a Boss - Chapter 68
Comments for chapter "Chapter 68"

Oh no i caught up.
I get that it’s theoretically better to keep farming tool in secret, but iirc, no one was able to even open the door, you could’ve just cooperated and maybe even get better help from government. That would’ve been a win-win situation, i believe. Baphomet is on point – it’s a really disgusting truth.
All that yapping i hate chapters like this

Ah yes, the coward who escapes her problems

I think 🤔 even if the tower maker or whatever it is, were to be destroyed.
I’m sure “towers” will still sprout like mushrooms 🍄
i get that we’re supposed to feel bad for her but i just can’t
you discovered that the farm you used for xp is basically a portal to hell that’s aslee^p and choose to just leet it be? and you also allow someone else to deald drugs in there? tf i care, you’re part of the problem
This is the dumbest episode ever. What was the point of hyper in the back story? He probably would blackmail her regardless of their connection. So him being in her backstory was completely inconsequential. Basically filler to pad the chapter And the other 2 got killed couse they walked in on the murder…. This was the big mystery of their death? And lets not forget her trump card. She summons from within herself to create a beast knight, angel…. demon? Or whatever…. seriously?