Limit Breaker - Chapter 141
Comments for chapter "Chapter 141"
Writers: we are gonna f up this manhwa. And you aren’t gonna stop us.
Remember when it had game like aspects. We got pop up boxes for things they did and items and moves. Why did that stop?
Also when did the French foreign legion girl get there? He was being attacked by people then they teleport and she’s there.

What happened to the twin girls serving the prime minister why did they suddenly turn into twin men? The plot is getting shittier by the day~~

The translation needs fixing so bad
The story has degraded to this point… They have seriously failed to execute whatever they were planning on making the story about, it isn’t satisfyingly, it’s lazy writing.

Fk this shit, if I was Kim I’d proceed to killing them all show them the monster they really wanna see.
good i was tried of seeing that b!tch withe here big mouth