My Twin Sister Was Taken as a Miko and I Was Thrown Away but I'm Probably the Miko. - Chapter 26.2

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loner clan

Dream chasers
21 days ago
I have one word: SIMP
22 days ago
….and all caught up. Binged it, and from the comments it seems to update quite slowly. Then, see ya’ll in a few months.
22 days ago
NNnnEVER trust a PRIEST.
View Replies (3)
Since I just finished the binge and it will apparently be a long time for updates:
She met a flying horse and griffons that took care of her, then ended up living in a beast village till humans showed up wanting to turn them into slaves (they killed her friends dad so humans=bad), they all fled.
Met some elf’s who were gonna sacrifice them, but she passed a speech check and they decided not to. Fought against a plant monster, turned the spirit tree into a baby tree, and eventually made a new village with the elf’s and beasts and planted the baby tree.
She saved some humans that wear face paint, they had some ongoing drama and are living nearby. One of the beast people lives with them and one of their people, a little girl who is ‘the child of god’ is living in mc village. That plot point is still up in the air but will likely end with the two groups joining…
Also she super loves the floof and her male friend is a floof who can now turn into a wolf for extra floofing.