One Piece - Chapter 1107
Comments for chapter "Chapter 1107"
Ah, crap
You know, if anyone is going to show us what an awakened loia is like… it might as well be Kizaru, right?
Felt good watching Luffy lay-up that Elder sc*m. YEAH!!
Sanji don’t kick the light in the room, He kick with haki a part of Kisaru body that is shining by akuma no mi. haki nullify akuma no mi… Kisaru feel pain in his no longer shining part
It satisfies me to see sanji showing his new strength lol power of love always win

amazing i am speechless
So is it safe to assume that Teach is related to Xebec somehow?
Hell ye did u see that Kizaru’s face??? My man Wanji. Where Zoro fans at? In the dirt thats what 🤣🤣🤣AGENDA PIECE!!!
Will they take caribou as a subordinate or just take him to Black Beard, kill him and steal his powers?
Oh shit…Just like Bone Clay, all she needs to do it touch someone to turn into them…And if you can turn into one of the 5 elders. Just what kind of chaos is Black Beard planning?
All of blackbeard pirates have been sighted. But the question is : where IS lafitte? He is supposed to be commander in chief.

So, haki allows you to block lasers…good $h!t…
ah fk this guy got shit tons of info about shirahoshi and wano ancient weapon guess one piece finally entering final arc after this arc or maybe 2 more arc
Okay with this Luffy and his crew are now officially Yonko level, with Sanji stepping up the monster trio is back. All it takes is for Brooke, Robin and Franky to step up for them to be worth the bounties they’ve got.
This right here was a excellent chapter and I’m not even a Sanji fanboy, but this was a Sanji chapter and I’m for it.
Zoro is over here jobbing to Lucci, arguably that fight meant Zoro couldn’t protect Vegapunk, but this confirms that the distance between CP-0 at max vs an Admiral isn’t so far off. further that the Elders while powerful are not bigger threats in raw power over Admirals.
It also shows why they needed the Marines to deal with Pirates because Roger would likely have bodied Saturn and Rayleigh would have packed up Kizaru.
Oh no, bro.