One Piece - Chapter 1109
Comments for chapter "Chapter 1109"
The world may not be flat, but Saturn is. The gravity of the situation must’ve bent Kizaru out of shape…
I am waiting for the emergency broadcast as well in real life. We shall learn our true history soon.
The Elder Demons are coming!!!
Theory- Vegapunk ha no message. It is just a prank to make WG destroy there own transpondersnail system.
“the coffee will be done in 10 minutes” “I can’t get a sip in then!” Fuckin Weak
This is bullshit, Oda. Stop delaying and give us what we want :/
Kuchiyose No Jutsu…GOROSEI..!!!
Whats the point of this 10 minutes… we will learn nothing since gorosai will stop that…
I guess ODA wants to tell us that the Elders are far above the Admirals. It was fun to see Luffy holding them both anyway.
Break next week………………….
Holy shit, they mean business if all 5 of them are trying to stop Vegapunk. Goes to show how scared they are of the truth being revealed as well.
Yo no way all of them are coming
Is there break this week?