The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years - Chapter 102
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Dragon Clan
9 months ago
the writing for these new nobles is pretty cliche, the author did a great job previously so I’m just gonna chalk it up to this being more filler and these guys dying soon, and assume it improves

Light of Hope
10 months ago
damn, these characters are like written by an author, only and i mean only for the purpose of one chapter to show evil people, they’re evil for no reason other than being evil.
and it’s getting kinda tired, cliche.
I understand author can’t really show their intentions in a single chapter for cannon fodder, but seriously, at least make an attempt to show some depth to evil characters.
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pseudo-democracy my ass, it’s just a guy puppeteering the king, it’s still only like 4 people he has to care about.