The Lazy Prince Becomes a Genius - Chapter 130
Comments for chapter "Chapter 130"

Idk about anyone else buy it feels weird when a character with your name pops up in a story you’re reading(Ethan BTW if you couldn’t tell who I was referring too)
ruru Doraemon

hes obviously not a normal person if he’s traveling around alone with a big ass sword and a dwarf😂

? What was the purpose of that? You introduced new characters to go with the “oops” i used my own name, to set up the “hahaha you funny to use that name you silly imperaonator” and “tsk i hate that impersonator”, to immediately break your cover to reveal you actually are who you said you are…… all in one chapter!!! No, half a chapter, couse first half was a timeskip info dump…. whats up with the frantic story telling? Are you in a hurry?

A-Aron jaeger!?

Our boy A-a-ron Paella showing them what’s up,
very few comics keep the suspense for what happens next and are just interesting past chapter 100. but i still like what happens

wait, i tho Vulcanus is famous for making number sword?
they’re mercenary but they don’t know him?
yeah agreed with the person below me, same here actually, although it is missing a letter, it’s said the same i believe