The Lone Necromancer - Chapter 127
Comments for chapter "Chapter 127"

Jisoo- kill that guy he is dangerous
Mc- oh right just put him in empty room alone and let him do what he want bruh take appropriate measures if you gonna keep him alive. Also I want to see a little bit romance in these fantasy manhwa there are always girls in story but no relation progress it is good if it has some romance genre please tell this to authors 😮💨. Take orv, absolute necromancer, this lone nectomancer, infinite gacha not one. Even in few manhwa like sl, slr, nanomachine there is ship but romance progress is still not good it’s just in one moment they make ships
quick question….what happened to the two guys wearing blue and green clothes that killed those guys with trucks then wanted to know where mc was
Be prepared to be the next elite undead
He was clearly shady from the start
they would still have a guard
who is that guy again?
Ballistia bone wyverns