The Tutorial is Too Hard - Chapter 40
Comments for chapter "Chapter 40"

This floor is going to force him to summon Idalta.
everyone, i know it’s kinda late but, let’s rally up and ship kiri with lee

why didnt he buy sombodies soul in the shop????

mc so dumb idk what the author was thinking man like

this levels gonna take another 20 chapters

So itsnt plot twist. Just another way to say if the hell level isnt hell enough.
How disappointed.
So he obviously will revive folks. Bet
I think he shude revive the lizard

bunny still the oly real waifu, and it won’t change in the future
Mc will fail miserably and revive idalta. Im sure of it. It has to be.
![[Constallation of the savior]](
pfff the part where he called the god of adventures a old horny man got me loool
time to carry the team
since 4 people left
MC is good but really stupid at times.. Everything Kirikiri said has helped him.. She said ‘revive the lizard’ and he ignored her cause he’s scared..
That is impossible no way hes gonna clear it alone