World Of Leadale - Chapter 24.5
Comments for chapter "Chapter 24.5"
I think this would really funny and really embarrassing for all involved.
is it over?
AWW THE NOTES WERE SUPER CUTE! I’LL LEAVE A COMMENT OF ENCOURAGEMENT ON EACH CHAPTER THEN~ you guys do everything so well, exactly like professionals- thank you for the translations and as this is my favorite manga, i’ll always be coming back right when i see the red 1 mark to say there’s a new chapter for this one! again, thank you so much for the translations- there’s so many words ands all, but you’re all doing so well! you got this! but before anything, please take of yourselves and take a break once in a while! you’re our precious World of Leadale team after all!!
LoL… I did think about that at the first time I watched the anime, but I went with the “they are probably dead at this point”… Good to know that we may see The way of Cohral supporting our MC or a “random elf” searching for his best bud as he heard some rumors about a white dragonoid knight.
Would love to see that. ^_^
Someone had to make themselves a lover, right?