My School Life Pretending To Be a Worthless Person - Chapter 41
Comments for chapter "Chapter 41"
By the way, the ability to keep functioning at peak efficiency so long as your body can function at all is absolutely insane.
Y’all probably know about how absurd the human body can actually be. Theoretically mc could continue to fight at maximum output with parts of his brain blown off. Missing almost all of your blood? No worries! As long as you have enough to still be considered alive you will be able to keep running around like you hadn’t even gotten hit. He’ll even if someone cuts his head off entirely, his body would still be able to fight on its own for a little bit. (Impulses last even after complete decapitation, and mc’s body has shown it can move itself to fight.)
Why the dark blue haired guy kinda hot though😏
listing to YMCA while reading this fits so well and idk why lol
nooooooooooooo, why this gotta be last chapterrrrr
Nooo, the latest chapter
Mannn, it was getting AMAZIN
Haha it’s getting crazy LETS FUCKING GOOOO
We really need more,but thinks for the new chapter
the knife evolved, and all they did was change its f**king colour it still is such a small knife, give him a kabar or something
wouldn’t it be interesting if the mc and this guy were related somehow?
He shouldn’t be a Principal, maybe he got his job by licking some asses