The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide - Chapter 1
Comments for chapter "Chapter 1"

I’d kneel to that princess. She’s a hottie!
Hmmm… I may have to drop this Tbh, I can already see where this story is headed. It’s not unique tbh. It’s the same story as “Necromancer Evolutionary Trait” but MC here seems to be struggling a lot more. The thing is, these kinds of stories would be great, if the Main Character “Went his own Way”, for example, here, MC could literally just go somewhere else and “Start a New and Better Leaf” there. Also, most stories like this give the Main Character the ability of “Knowing the Future and Hidden Thing’s” beforehand. So why is he staying when he can go somewhere else and have better treatment and luck and chance’s. His name and face is already hated, he’s also weak and broke, this place will be a living hell for him. His parents have disowned him, the school is against him, and he’s weak. I can already tell that this princess will soon fall in love with him and stuff, it’s just annoying tbh. Why can’t Koreans and Chinese and even with Japanese Manga’s, stop copying and plagiarizing each other. Make something entirely new and unique.
For example, as I already said, MC could just leave this place and go somewhere else and “Start a New Life”, there he can make friends and so on since he has a better reputation than here. And with his knowledge of the game world, he can bring himself and his new friends on quest’s to get stronger and so on. Then, after a while, have MC meet these B*tches and B@st@rds when he and his people become very powerful and we’ll known. And have Redeemed MC either Punish his Tormentors, or attempt to make Friends. That’d be great. Cuz reading this, is just embarrassing and boring. Like, maybe this will answer my question in the future, but even if MC was an adult who possessed this Kid, he doesn’t seem to be an skilled adult, we’re not told or not yet told if MC is a fisherman, a soldier, an politician, a mathematician etc. anything from the Real world that can aid him in this new one. He’ll just get bullied and most likely if this was authored by Gege from JJK and was Realistic and Unforgiving, MC would be commiting Su1c1d3.
Could have used that knife to sharpen his wooden stick into a spear. lv up that crafting skills in the process.
I’m thinking she’s not likely to let MC smell her panties

Did blud not pay tax
So, what did MC do that was unforgivable? slapped her a**?

Hope some a story about an extra that actually lives like an extra or irl people who don’t give a fak about the “storyline” and just mind their own business like watching the development from the side while eating popcorn exist.

i know how hard it is because i am a scout.
Shouldn’t his stuff be worth enough for at least a tent, a knife and a few essentials?
The “ceremonial cup”(aka chalice) alone should probably be enough for at least some cheap lodging for a semester(I think it has about 4 big rubies and 16 emeralds? That may even cover all/much of his tuition? IDK, maybe it’s bronze with glass jewellery? Is he worried about being scammed if he sells it?). His knife and spare clothes alone should also be enough to buy survival gear, and some some change.
I also don’t think this country has child labor laws, so work is probably an option. Also, he could (maybe) live in an orphanage.
i said to myself if a girl walked into the forest or a girl is screaming for help i drop this…
i hate myself when i am right

Damn I shouldn’t have clicked so I wouldn’t be forced to wait for more chapters
emino venti espresso pinch of cinnamon coffe machiato milk tea
pray with me for the release of more chapters
amen brutha
First chapter in and i already seeing something good.
Cant wait too see how this will end up.