The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide - Chapter 7
Comments for chapter "Chapter 7"
The protagonist thinks it is okay to interact with the maid because she ha no relevance to the story? While this might be true, how can he not understand that interacting with her can make her do different things that will make her interact and change the story. He himself is an example of this. He himself is affecting the story BECAUSE he originally had to real part in it. So the same can happen to the maids.


At this point bro, forget about the main story and just try not to get directly involved with the main scenario.

Could you please just stop with your bull lines of dont want even a slight thing to change from original story?
One of all, in chapter 1, you even want to make a huge change of the story itself!! Yep by not make the “Ed” to be a beggar where he should be!! Then try to “help” the princess etc etc.
Boring stereotype cliche really. Overused empty bull lines.
sigh… too many skanks. needs more males at least.

Can never rest
MC is a trouble magnet, lol.. .

lol, Mc can’t even have a cup of tea without trouble coming to him

MC made a fundamental mistake in that he should have moved his camp once they found him. Now that his camp has been destroyed, he should take this opportunity to relocate. MC should embrace his inner snake eater, become one with the woods, so that way he has the option to drop out.

MC got his first brake and then BOOM

Damn BOI SHE THICC ( I meant the red-haired woman)
God really went
Idfc what you do, heres another waifu
“If I had gotten stuck between Lortelle and Janica…” interesting choice of words there