The Tutorial is Too Hard - Chapter 2
Comments for chapter "Chapter 2"
Yellow haired kid will die first for sure. He’s not taking this seriously.
Office worker next, as long as his personality doesn’t change in conflict, he’ll sacrifice himself to protect the others.
Girl last, because everyone else will be focused on protecting her.
Shy emotional types mind’s tend to snap in extreme situations. She might lose it and turn murder-hobo, killing yellow hair and office guy, forcing MC to run away and run into some super tough mob.
The comment under me has some good guesses but i think
- old guy
- girl
- yellow haired guy
so the question is what order they die, if i had to guess i’d say
officer worker will die 1st or 2nd
punk will die 1st or 3rd
girl will die 2nd or 3rd
main bet would be punk > officer worker > girl
wonder if i will get any right
all attackers no healers LOL
well hes fucked
Either your eyes or your brain needs a check up. This whole thing is about him choosing hell mode, what is your problem?
Seeing as how he’s on floor 60 in the first chapter and is the only one in the hell lobby, I’m afraid to get attached to these characters. :'(
this is how i feel when i put all stat point into Strenght in a game
Barbarian team indeed?
Other roles are overrated. DPS goes brrrr
DPS team, leeeeeets goooo
Nah. Mc just tank and have the old man jab his trident at shit. If there is room the axe guy and nagatana lady just run in from the side and hit the sides and back of enemy and try to take out squishy targets making use of the inventory to move quicker with that huge ass axe. Or have them all fight at the front and mc hit the squishies with his cover. And of they are in a confined space the axe is useless he can kick rocks. And the other two stab over the sheild.
“I’m a gamer” an old man knowing more than he does about a game 💀
my reaction saying that a shiiit no long range 😀
Everyone guessing whos gonna die first heres my prediction(I read this before but dont remember anything)
the girls last because she looked as if she was skilled with the sword