A brief description of the manga A Story About a Hero Exterminating a Dragon-Class Beautiful Girl Demon King, Who Has Very Low Self-Esteem, With Love!
Iver, a dragon demon lord, had to accept defeat at the hands of the heroes after numerous failed attempts to conquer the world. But fate met her with a dim-witted hero named Mirio, who fell in love with her without a doubt. Thus began the story of two demon lords with no sense of self, which shows how they spend their time together.
- Chapter 28 13.09.2024
- Chapter 27 14.06.2024
- Chapter 26 14.06.2024
- Chapter 25 14.06.2024
- Chapter 24 05.05.2024
- Chapter 23 05.05.2024
- Chapter 22 02.05.2024
- Chapter 21 02.05.2024
- Chapter 20 28.02.2024
- Chapter 19 28.02.2024
- Chapter 18 28.02.2024
- Chapter 17 09.02.2024
- Chapter 16 22.01.2024
- Chapter 15 22.01.2024
- Chapter 14 04.01.2024
- Chapter 13 31.12.2023
- Chapter 12 13.12.2023
- Chapter 11 13.12.2023
- Chapter 10 16.08.2023
- Chapter 9 16.08.2023
- Chapter 8 16.08.2023
- Chapter 7 16.08.2023
- Chapter 6 16.08.2023
- Chapter 5 16.08.2023
- Chapter 4 16.08.2023
- Chapter 3 16.08.2023
- Chapter 2 16.08.2023
- Chapter 1 16.08.2023

you know…
Raws ended at chapter 55 and there is 2 extra chapters. If they don’t plan on finishing the translation since it’s done, then I suggest getting a raw manga translator plugin. I use ISManga Translator since you don’t have to pay to use it.
I didn’t expect much from 18+ big title name
but story is actually good and i’m kinda invested in it but 18+ stuff is just not the best part of it imo

my honest reaction
It’s as everyone is saying. First 5 or 6 chapters are terrible but more of a set up since it’s more about the mental anguish she was put through. As of chapter 13 and 14 we even start to get why this is the case. But it’s turned wholesome and very sweet. So yes, the first few chapters are not great. But it does pick up and even has a reason.
disgusting in the 5 first chapter, but that’s only for the introduction, the story really starts after that. If I am to describe it, the mc trying to pull ‘i can fix her’, it is the story of HIM.

This actually getting good.

So those who are saying this is a hentai are missing out. This starts off way out in the erotic left field and comes back into the rom-com wholesome territory after the first 5 chapters.

Sounds interesting… 😍
Honestly not as bad as the Unholy Clan makes it out to be. It’s fairly decent, nothing stellar yet. Heavy on the xxx jokes. 18+ mostly comes from that.
Not fappable at all, too sad. This ain’t hentai if you are worried about that.
Looking forward to more chapters.

I find this one oddly good
I agree with the below (DarthXiane): the premise is that the demon lord has incredibly low self-esteem. This can be made into a great wholesome rom-com in any number of ways, but no, the author literally just wants to draw smut.
For fuck’s sake, why doth thee taketh away such a brilliant idea for such an unholy purpose?

You see the title and expect a rom-com.
You see the cover art and expect ecchi.
You read the first chapter and realize its hentai written by a teenager.
Honestly the premise that a demon lord is hampered by being beaten so often they have no forces left and are very depressive seems like a great opening.
Until she introduces herself and you realize what the heroes prior to the mc must have done.
Honestly I made it to chapter 4 before I said enough. Very much a skip.

Mc throwing a cocktail sausage in the grand canyon by the sounds of it
The hentai part comes in in the sword is bad a picking killers and the heroes are hornier bastards than the swords killing inclination is, which coincidentally almost worked in the swords favor.
Now one ding dong hero has somehow cured thousands of years of torment and thus we have the plot.