A brief description of the manhwa The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman:
The infamous leader of the assassins known as the Shadows, Raon, had lived his entire life as a dog on a leash.
However, through a twist of fate, he obtained a new life—as the grandson of Glenn Zieghart, the Destructive King of the North!
He prepares to use the Ring of Fire he still possesses as an infant to begin cultivating when he’s diagnosed with the Curse of Frost.
With the odds stacked against him, will he be able to finally stand on his own feet and live life by his own will, to become the strongest swordsman on the continent?
“I will slay anyone standing in my way of revenge…
even if it is a god.”
- Chapter 53 2 days ago
- Chapter 52 06.02.2025
- Chapter 51 30.01.2025
- Chapter 50 23.01.2025
- Chapter 49 16.01.2025
- Chapter 48 09.01.2025
- Chapter 47 02.01.2025
- Chapter 46 26.12.2024
- Chapter 45 20.12.2024
- Chapter 44 12.12.2024
- Chapter 43 05.12.2024
- Chapter 42 28.11.2024
- Chapter 41 21.11.2024
- Chapter 40 14.11.2024
- Chapter 39 08.11.2024
- Chapter 38 08.11.2024
- Chapter 37 15.02.2024
- Chapter 36 08.02.2024
- Chapter 35 01.02.2024
- Chapter 34 11.01.2024
- Chapter 33 04.01.2024
- Chapter 32 28.12.2023
- Chapter 31 21.12.2023
- Chapter 30 07.12.2023
- Chapter 29 03.12.2023
- Chapter 28 23.11.2023
- Chapter 27 16.11.2023
- Chapter 26 02.11.2023
- Chapter 25 26.10.2023
- Chapter 24 19.10.2023
- Chapter 23 12.10.2023
- Chapter 22 28.09.2023
- Chapter 21 21.09.2023
- Chapter 20 14.09.2023
- Chapter 19 07.09.2023
- Chapter 18 31.08.2023
- Chapter 17 31.08.2023
- Chapter 16 31.08.2023
- Chapter 15 31.08.2023
- Chapter 14 31.08.2023
- Chapter 13 31.08.2023
- Chapter 12 31.08.2023
- Chapter 11 31.08.2023
- Chapter 10 31.08.2023
- Chapter 9 31.08.2023
- Chapter 8 31.08.2023
- Chapter 7 31.08.2023
- Chapter 6 31.08.2023
- Chapter 5 31.08.2023
- Chapter 4 31.08.2023
- Chapter 3 31.08.2023
- Chapter 2 31.08.2023
- Chapter 1 31.08.2023

7.8/10, this is some good sht. Well, okay, its actually just a relatively average reincarnation power fantasy, but its a good one. The art remains consistently good, and the story is reasonably paced (for the most part). The plot is decent, and there are only a few plot holes I noticed. If you’re looking for a random power fantasy, this is definitely one of the better ones. I’d recommend it if you’re looking for a time killer!
11: My favorite manga/manhwa of all time, forever.
10: Stop. Read. Now.
9: An outstanding performance in every single category, and more.
8: A work of art that perhaps is not fully fleshed out, but pretty close.
7: Very good, and definitely give it a read when possible.
6: Fun, engaging, but nothing special.
5: Decent, but somewhat boring. I liked it, but you might not.
4: Questionable, but I won’t tell you not to read it.
3: I definitely wouldn’t recommend you read this, but it could be worse.
2: It couldn’t be worse.
1: At this point, why bother?
0: Avoid at all possible costs. Read at your own risk.
Fanservice, n/a. Nada.
An assassin wouldn’t be any good at swordsmanship

It´s back!!


I forgot this existed
I like it and its good. Also is this series dropped.

will surely wait for the next season please post it now hahahaha
It was good till chapter 32

Read to chapter 15, it’s the mid of mid. The only thing that’s good about it is the art, the story is awful. I’ll give an example, when the MC was getting his powers tested it was shown once everyone left the room. It’s just so stupid.

As of ch 34, I’d rate a solid 8/10. The MC is very bland, or that’s how I perceive him. He’s not self-insert enough to be a self-insert, but he doesn’t have many likable qualities. What’s worse is that he’s never lost so far. I like the side cast, they are all pretty cool and actually hold personalities, but I feel as if they are a bit fragile. Each one converts from bad to good as soon as they admit defeat, it’s worse that they become irrelevant afterwards too. Then the art is alright, There are no cool shots so the fights are only alright. The revenge plot has also taken a backseat already and feels like it’s just checking off boxes in a checklist. I think it’s still enjoyable tho.
TLDR: 8/10. MC is mid, Side characters don’t have a solid personality, plot is standard, art is ok, and pacing is not bad.
story is meh. but the cliche part about friend with trauma that made his mission (almost?) failed is boring (chap 31~). it’s everywhere. it’s annoying to read the same exact plot again and again with any slight modification.
bye annoying squirrel. im happy dropping this /tableflip
Even with some typical manhwa cliches, I’m enjoying this one. Particularly appreciate the character development, which honestly doesn’t happen in 90% of the trash writing out there. MC doesn’t even fight real enemies until around ch 32, so I’m interested in seeing this story progress.
I think it’s about time to drop this entire site. All I get when I check out new releases on anything is just a redirect to the same page, and the new release is no longer shown. It’s frustrating and annoying.
I read up to chapter 45, the most current chapter.
This one is okay, 6/10
It’s a pretty standard reincarnation but it gets boring pretty fast. Nothing really interesting happens and most of the chapters just take place training in swordsmanship school.
There’s some decent character development but it gets tiring when every character gets the same nice wholesome character development. What I mean is, every time the MC duels someone, they look down on him, then they get their ass beat, then they admit they were overconfident and learned a lesson from MC. One time a guy even calls MC his savior for teaching him a lesson in a duel. It’s just too much.
The MC is apparently the world best assassin in his previous life but there’s nothing about his fighting style or skills that show he’s an assassin. The MC fights more like an honorable warrior than an assassin. The one time he actually tries to assassinate an enemy, he yells out before attacking and the enemy avoids a fatal blow.
One thing unique about this one is that the cliche “pet” companion that follows and helps the MC is actually trying to harm the MC in this one. I thought it was refreshing to see a different take on it, even though the MC still more benefits from the “pet”.
Art is decent.