A brief description of the manhwa The Twin Siblings’ New Life:
Our names are Arjen and Arien. We were ordinary high school twins until we died… But we were born again as twins!
Brutal mother, indifferent and cold as ice, father, older brothers…
“Why do we suddenly…?”
Fifth birthday. You can only believe a friend. Only together can we emerge victorious from this unequal struggle within the imperial family.
- Chapter 159 15.01.2024
- Chapter 158 29.12.2023
- Chapter 157 29.12.2023
- Chapter 156 22.12.2023
- Chapter 155 16.12.2023
- Chapter 154 05.12.2023
- Chapter 153 05.12.2023
- Chapter 152 26.11.2023
- Chapter 151 19.11.2023
- Chapter 150 19.11.2023
- Chapter 149 04.11.2023
- Chapter 148 28.10.2023
- Chapter 147 28.10.2023
- Chapter 146 28.10.2023
- Chapter 145 29.09.2023
- Chapter 144 29.09.2023
- Chapter 143 15.09.2023
- Chapter 142 15.09.2023
- Chapter 141 15.09.2023
- Chapter 140 15.09.2023
- Chapter 139 15.09.2023
- Chapter 138 15.09.2023
- Chapter 137 15.09.2023
- Chapter 136 15.09.2023
- Chapter 135 15.09.2023
- Chapter 134 15.09.2023
- Chapter 133 15.09.2023
- Chapter 132 15.09.2023
- Chapter 131 15.09.2023
- Chapter 130 15.09.2023
- Chapter 129 15.09.2023
- Chapter 128 15.09.2023
- Chapter 127 15.09.2023
- Chapter 126 15.09.2023
- Chapter 125 15.09.2023
- Chapter 124 15.09.2023
- Chapter 123 15.09.2023
- Chapter 122 15.09.2023
- Chapter 121 15.09.2023
- Chapter 120 11.11.2022
- Chapter 119 04.11.2022
- Chapter 118 04.11.2022
- Chapter 117 04.11.2022
- Chapter 116 04.11.2022
- Chapter 115 04.11.2022
- Chapter 114 04.11.2022
- Chapter 113 23.09.2022
- Chapter 112 23.09.2022
- Chapter 111 23.09.2022
- Chapter 110 23.09.2022
- Chapter 109 23.09.2022
- Chapter 108 23.09.2022
- Chapter 107 23.09.2022
- Chapter 106 23.09.2022
- Chapter 105 08.08.2022
- Chapter 104 23.07.2022
- Chapter 103 23.07.2022
- Chapter 102 05.06.2022
- Chapter 101 04.06.2022
- Chapter 100 03.06.2022
- Chapter 99 03.06.2022
- Chapter 98 29.05.2022
- Chapter 97 29.05.2022
- Chapter 96 29.05.2022
- Chapter 95 29.05.2022
- Chapter 94 23.12.2021
- Chapter 93 23.12.2021
- Chapter 92 23.12.2021
- Chapter 91 23.12.2021
- Chapter 90 23.12.2021
- Chapter 89 23.12.2021
- Chapter 88 23.12.2021
- Chapter 87 13.10.2021
- Chapter 86.5 13.10.2021
- Chapter 86 13.10.2021
- Chapter 85.5 12.10.2021
- Chapter 85 12.10.2021
- Chapter 84 12.10.2021
- Chapter 83 24.08.2021
- Chapter 82 24.08.2021
- Chapter 81 24.08.2021
- Chapter 80 24.08.2021
- Chapter 79 24.08.2021
- Chapter 78 24.08.2021
- Chapter 77 09.08.2021
- Chapter 76 29.07.2021
- Chapter 75 21.07.2021
- Chapter 74 18.07.2021
- Chapter 73 18.07.2021
- Chapter 72 15.07.2021
- Chapter 71 10.07.2021
- Chapter 70 10.07.2021
- Chapter 69 03.06.2021
- Chapter 68 17.05.2021
- Chapter 67 17.05.2021
- Chapter 66 27.04.2021
- Chapter 65 27.04.2021
- Chapter 64 15.04.2021
- Chapter 63 15.04.2021
- Chapter 62 08.04.2021
- Chapter 61 08.04.2021
- Chapter 60 08.04.2021
- Chapter 59 08.04.2021
- Chapter 58 14.03.2021
- Chapter 57 14.03.2021
- Chapter 56 07.03.2021
- Chapter 55 19.09.2023
- Chapter 54 02.03.2021
- Chapter 53 02.03.2021
- Chapter 52 02.03.2021
- Chapter 51 02.03.2021
- Chapter 50 14.02.2021
- Chapter 49 23.01.2021
- Chapter 48 16.01.2021
- Chapter 47 02.01.2021
- Chapter 46 25.12.2020
- Chapter 45 25.12.2020
- Chapter 44 17.12.2020
- Chapter 43 12.12.2020
- Chapter 42 04.12.2020
- Chapter 41 29.11.2020
- Chapter 40 29.11.2020
- Chapter 39 21.11.2020
- Chapter 38 08.11.2020
- Chapter 37 25.10.2020
- Chapter 36 29.09.2020
- Chapter 35 14.09.2020
- Chapter 34 08.09.2020
- Chapter 33 08.09.2020
- Chapter 32 29.08.2020
- Chapter 31 24.08.2020
- Chapter 30 24.08.2020
- Chapter 29 05.08.2020
- Chapter 28 31.07.2020
- Chapter 27 23.07.2020
- Chapter 26 15.07.2020
- Chapter 25 08.07.2020
- Chapter 24 04.07.2020
- Chapter 23 30.06.2020
- Chapter 22 30.06.2020
- Chapter 21 29.06.2020
- Chapter 20 21.06.2020
- Chapter 19 21.06.2020
- Chapter 18 21.06.2020
- Chapter 17 21.06.2020
- Chapter 16 21.06.2020
- Chapter 16 21.06.2020
- Chapter 15 21.06.2020
- Chapter 14 21.06.2020
- Chapter 13 21.06.2020
- Chapter 12 21.06.2020
- Chapter 11 21.06.2020
- Chapter 10 14.06.2020
- Chapter 9 14.06.2020
- Chapter 8 14.06.2020
- Chapter 7 14.06.2020
- Chapter 6 10.06.2020
- Chapter 5 10.06.2020
- Chapter 4 10.06.2020
- Chapter 3 10.06.2020
- Chapter 2 10.06.2020
- Chapter 1 10.06.2020
I am not convinced by the love between princess and ******. I’d like to go in details but don’t want to spoil anything.

My review as of chapter 43
3.5 stars.
This is the result of a neat concept that decided to go a different direction altogether. The reincarnation plotline is so underused that it’s not only irrelevant, but actually negatively impacting the story since the main characters are written like actual children.
They have actively stated that these two are at least 25+ years old mentally and yet they do nothing with it. It’s as if that plotline exists because the author said “I heard Isekais were popular recently. If I put this in my story, it will make it more interesting right?” they then proceeded to do nothing with it other than briefly remind you they reincarnated every 5 chapters.
The characters themselves have had a rough start because for the longest time we only got things from the MC’s point of view, one of their points of view. The majority of this series seems to be told through the sister’s point of view instead of both of them. Sort of kills some of your potential when you make a story about twins but only focus on one of them.
For the longest time the only character who had any personality was one of the older brothers, but only because he was the only one who actually emoted at all. It wasn’t until recently that we got to hear what the other characters were thinking which made connecting with them very difficult. Now that we have, they’ve actually come to be interesting characters.
Do I recommend this. Only if you can completely shut out the fact that they’re reincarnated. It actually makes the story so much better and even a bit emotional if you can ignore that plotline. Otherwise I do find some enjoyment out of this, some of the interactions are entertaining and it has raised some genuine curiosity. My review is mostly because of that annoying plotline that just kills the mood for me, and it annoys me every time it kills the mood because it could have been so much better without it.
Please another chapter

It had potential to be a great story but the supposed “adult mentality” was non existent. I was disgusted my the guardian and sdupit girl. I was hoping it would change but yea I’m so angry o wasted time reading this.

i want a manga but with only the brother reincarnating or something it sounds interesting
Thought that since the title of this Manhwa had twins in it they would be switching POVs between the twins but it doesn’t do something as great as that but it just focuses on the more immature of the twins which is the sister which is annoying because the brother could have huge progress but what do we know he is just some different type of heroine and this gets boring real fast as it is only 1 POV and its like there is nothing unique about this other than the fact that the MC is a Twin and a illegitimate child of royalty so wouldn’t really recommend

Idk why I skipped over the comments, the story seemed full of potential (I’m at chapter 38). I was hoping for some great emotional support between the twins, which there are. But I hoped it was needed because of some cruel acts from the imperial family. BUT NO, cause they’re all on the twin’s side (the imperial family). The only struggle is them not being capable of asking about why and how the things happened to the family. So basically we’re in a situation where everything is fine. And those supposed reincarnated aren’t capable of putting two rational thoughts together.
You can like this. But I promise you that there are many better stories out there.
So don’t waste your time if you’re hoping for a real tragic story or anything about overcoming challenges.
1/5 At least I liked how the twins were interacting between themselves, not always, but sometimes. It could have been sooooo much better. Truly a shame.

really interesting honestly here waiting to figure out what will happen to those two
i’ll force myself to read more chapters before i drop this shit but so far i’m in chapter 30 and i’ve yet to get a glimpse of the supposed “adult” minds in a young body in either of the twins. what pisses me off greatly is that they’re too dumb that they get toyed with by a 10-year old brat in a backwards world.
stopped at 69 for nearly a month now kewl
Not the best thing. Dropped at 59 because of change of translation – terrible text colors as well as bad translation.
The first story arc could be done in half od the chapters if they actually behaved like 23yo they claim to be mentally. Instead they behave like little stupid children, with behaving like adult when it is convenient for the story.
If you need waste some time then it is good enough. Otherwise dont bother.

My first rating… Out of the 200 or so manga/manhwa I read… not counting the ones that I ignored or ditched after the first chapter. 5/5. SHould be 6/5. Im sad its finished. Im on chapter 58. I finished just in time.
i loved this story!
Plot for first 50 chapters relies on supposedly smart characters being stupid because the plot needs them to be and on supposedly distrustful characters randomly trusting because the plot needs them to be. Translations take a nose dive at CH 59. Not worth your time.