A brief description of the manga The White Mage Who Was Banished From the Hero’s Party Is Picked up by an S Rank Adventurer ~ This White Mage Is Too Out of the Ordinary!
One day, Lloyd, a white mage, is banished from the hero’s party. Lloyd, who has lost his job, happens to accompany an S-rank party on a quest by chance. At that time, no one knew that the hero’s party would collapse and Lloyd would gain fame – yet. This is the story of an extraordinary support magic-user who thinks he is normal, becomes an adventurer, while he is unaware of how he eventually becomes peerless.
- Chapter 40 29.01.2025
- Chapter 39 11.01.2025
- Chapter 38 03.01.2025
- Chapter 37 14.10.2024
- Chapter 36 14.10.2024
- Chapter 35.2 28.08.2024
- Chapter 35.1 31.07.2024
- Chapter 34 04.07.2024
- Chapter 33 27.05.2024
- Chapter 32 24.05.2024
- Chapter 31.2 17.03.2024
- Chapter 31.1 15.03.2024
- Chapter 30.3 18.01.2024
- Chapter 30.2 17.01.2024
- Chapter 30.1 13.01.2024
- Chapter 29 04.01.2024
- Chapter 28 27.12.2023
- Chapter 27 23.12.2023
- Chapter 26.3 21.12.2023
- Chapter 26.2 21.12.2023
- Chapter 26.1 12.12.2023
- Chapter 25 28.11.2023
- Chapter 24 26.11.2023
- Chapter 23 25.11.2023
- Chapter 22.2 22.11.2023
- Chapter 22.1 16.11.2023
- Chapter 21 13.11.2023
- Chapter 20.3 09.11.2023
- Chapter 20.2 06.11.2023
- Chapter 20.1 05.11.2023
- Chapter 19.3 11.10.2023
- Chapter 19.2 08.10.2023
- Chapter 19.1 06.10.2023
- Chapter 18.3 07.09.2023
- Chapter 18.2 31.08.2023
- Chapter 18.1 29.08.2023
- Chapter 17.3 02.08.2023
- Chapter 17.2 27.07.2023
- Chapter 17.1 24.07.2023
- Chapter 16.2 24.07.2023
- Chapter 16.1 19.07.2023
- Chapter 15 06.07.2023
- Chapter 14 25.06.2023
- Chapter 13 19.05.2022
- Chapter 12 23.03.2022
- Chapter 11 07.02.2022
- Chapter 10 07.02.2022
- Chapter 9 20.12.2021
- Chapter 8 07.11.2021
- Chapter 7 06.10.2021
- Chapter 6 05.09.2021
- Chapter 5 07.08.2021
- Chapter 4 23.06.2021
- Chapter 3 07.05.2021
- Chapter 2 07.05.2021
- Chapter 1 07.05.2021

30 chapters and the MC still thinks he’s a nobody. He wasn’t brainwashed for decades, he wasn’t hypnotized or under mind control, he’s not blind and deaf, yet literally nothing the other characters say and none of the epic feats he performs can change his mind. The stupidity of this is on par with the other manga where a retired hero and sorcerer couple adopt some poor chap, make him into a powerhouse, but “forgot to teach him common sense”. OMG, so frustrating.

Sure, it’s an “I got Kicked…” story, but it’s also a, “What if a kid from the boonies….” story, as of ch 28 it’s also “….and found a legendary weapon…”
The art in dreadful and the MC is bland. Nope for me

This manga is great! 😎
Just because he was white? That’s racist!

if you’ve ever read a “mc gets kicked out of hero’s party” manga then you know exactly what happens in this one.
Mc overpowered but thinks he sucks for some contrive reason, check.
hero party only good because of mc and gets immediately wrecked, check.
mc immediately finds another party/cute girl to party up with as soon as fired, check.
gratuitous bathing scene, check.
really there’s nothing unique about this manga whatsoever, 3/10

Another manga that I might end up dropping b/c of this short chapters. Man, I’m starting to hate how these kind of manga’s start with full chapters but at some time end up with short chapters and have to wait until the next chapter just to find out what happens next.

Read: 10/15+
Bookmarked? No.
As an experienced reader, I’ve of course experienced the phase of enjoying overpowered, oblivious main characters. However, as I read more and more, the more frustrating it becomes as the mc always lacks confidence and gets stale rather quickly. The same logic applies to this manga. Each time I read these type of stories, I have to dig back into my brain to see if I’ve read it before, as that is how “unique” they are. This in particular possesses every trope possible while not incorporating much of its own flare onto the chapters. If you want to read these type of stories, there are much better options; where fight scenes are more exhilarating, and the characters are more complex; as for this, it’s only attribute it has going for itself is being more “dark” than the wholesome counterpart.
Reading Rankings (Portnoy inspired)
10 – God’s penmanship
9 – Must-read. Drop everything else.
8 – Instant bookmark
7 – Entertaining
6 – Good to past time
5 – Why are you reading this?
4 – Bad.
3 – Typical garbage.
2 – My head hurts.
1 – Retirement is a thought.
0 – “Did they even give you a story?!”

God, imagine if that title replaced white with black
When will they get tired of the same thing again and again well at least this is less stupid than the healer one 5/10

There’s being dense, there’s being downright stupid, and then there’s the MC. This sht could work and be funny the FIRST time, but authors and their grandma should know that it’s been way overused that it’s just annoying now. Total garbage.
Pretty bad. We’ve seen a ton of “rejected, but actually amazing” manga, and this one does nothing to differentiate itself. Characters are tepid. Plot meanders aimlessly. Not worth your time when there’s so much better stuff to read.
… this story would have so much romance potential …
This manga in a nutshell:
You go to ice-cream parlour and see many flavors
…you want them all…so you ask the seller to scrap from every flavor available inside that scoop and serve you. So now you have a mango-choco-straw-butter-berry-vanilla-pista-nutty ice-cream!!!
Well the manga is same…sliced(sober for stole)off from many manga and compiled together!
Japanese really cant escape the stereotype of “If talented ppl not acknowledging their own talent, it would only make problems for others”